Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan. 2025 (Expected). The Manhattanville Project: Teaching Planning Law Amid University-Driven Racialized Dispossession. np: Press. More information at:
Academic Journal Articles
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan. 2024. "Repurposing Racial Modernism: Specters of Planning’s Past, a Contested Present, and Alternative Planning Futures." Journal of Planning Literature. OnlineFirst. Vol. 0, no. 0: 1–14.
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan. 2024. "Place Renaming, Jurisdictional Integration, and Political Representation: Lessons from South Africa.” Planning Perspectives. OnlineFirst. Vol. 0, no. 0: 1–22.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2023. “A Narrow View of Planning, with Enduring Consequences: The Case of California High-Speed Rail.” In Interface: Resistance and Response in Planning, Susan S. Fainstein and John Forester, eds. Planning Theory and Practice. Vol. 24, no. 2: 264–268.
Meyer, Miranda and Stefan Norgaard. 2022. “Mnemonic Land War: Memory Constellations Through Lebanon and South Africa.” Memory Studies. Vol. 15, no. 6. 1393–1405.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2022. “From ‘Citizen Jane’ to an Institutional History of Power and Social Change: Problematizing
Urban Planning’s Jane Jacobs Historiography.” Journal of Planning History. Vol. 22, no. 2. 95–118.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2022. "Planning, Violence, and Crisis in Sociohistorical Perspective: Crime, Capital, Commodities, and Cartelization in Tancítaro, Michoacán." Critical Planning. Vol. 25. 147–168.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2021. "Violence as a Genre of Urban Life: Urban Sustainability and (in)Security in South African Cities." Journal of Urban Affairs. Vol. 45, no. 3: 630–646.
Norgaard, Stefan and Mariel Collard. 2021. “Trading on Terroir: Fostering Artisanal Cheese and Alcohol Production through Specialized Agrarian Industrial Districts.” Food Studies. Vol. 11, no. 2, 2021. 21-37.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2021. “Modernization through Capitalization: The Hidden costs of Ethiopia’s Gibe III Dam and NESTown Initiative.” Human Geography. Vol. 14, no. 3, April. 381-395.
Collard, Mariel and Stefan Norgaard. 2020. “Trading on Terroir: Fostering Artisanal Cheese and Alcohol Production through Specialized Agrarian Industrial Districts.” Harvard University Urban Theory Lab: Emergent Urbanizations. Neil Brenner and Sai Balakrishnan, eds. 12 February.
Book Chapters
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan. 2025. “Bottom-up Governance for Resilient Urban Futures? Intersections and Tensions from Mahikeng, South Africa.” In Resilient Futures for Small and Medium-Sized Cities. Stephen Kofi Diko, Seth Asare Okyere, Louis Kusi Frimpong, Stephen Leonard Mensah, and Matthew Abunyewah, eds. New York and London: Routledge. Forthcoming.
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan. 2024. “Chapter 10: Speculative Desire and Residential Reappropriation: Johannesburg’s
Ponte City from Apartheid to the Present.” In In Whose Place? Confronting Vestiges of Colonialism and Apartheid. Ali Hlongwane, Hilton Judin and Arianna Lissoni, eds. Johannesburg: Jacana Media.
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan. 2023. “Chapter 11: On the Need for Sustainable Digital Urban Infrastructure in 21st Century South African Cities.” In Reimagining Urban Planning in Africa. Cobbinah, Patrick B. and Eric Gaisie, eds. 239–260. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Special Issues: Introduction and Editorial Work
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan, and Miranda Meyer. 2024. ‘“Introduction.’ In: Territorial Memory: Political Interventions, Spatial Contestations.” GeoHumanities. Forthcoming.
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan, Leah Montange, Jah Elyse Sayers, and Megan Ybarra. 2022. “Introduction,” In : Making Abolition in Geography.” Society + Space.
Book and Article Reviews
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan. 2024. “Review: Bourdieu in the City: Challenging Urban Theory." Journal of Cultural Geography. Vol. 41, no. 2. 209–211.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2023. “Review of: America’s Frozen Neighborhoods: The Abuse of Zoning, by Robert C. Ellickson.” Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA). Vol. 89, no. 4. 598–599.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2022. “Review of: The Paradox of Urban Revitalization: Progress and Poverty in America's Postindustrial Era, by Howard Gillette, Jr.” Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA). Vol. 89, no. 1. 151–152.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2022. "Review of: GERD: A Catalyst for the Nation-Building Process in Ethiopia." Qeios.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2021. “Review of: Safari Nation, by Jacob Dlamini.” Historical Geography. Vol. 49. 84–87.
Practitioner Research & Research Reports
Norgaard, Stefan and Victor Chen. 2023. “Denver, CO” and “Pueblo, CO.” Introductory essays on city histories of redlining. Support from the American Council of Learned Societies Mapping Inequality Project. Available at: &
Norgaard, Stefan et al. 2020. “In The Weeds: Securing a Grass-Mowing Contract in Stockton, CA”; “You Get What You
Pay For: Reforming Procurement in Naperville, Illinois”; and “In The Green: Negotiating Rail Expansion in Somerville, MA.” Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative. Published in collaboration with Brady Roberts, Hung Vo, Elizabeth Patton, Monica Giannone, Brian Mandell, Jorrit De Jong, and Guhan Subramanian. Cases each include written research manuscript, educator and practitioner teaching guides, and slideshows. 22 June.
Norgaard, Stefan. 2018. “Social Integration: Social Cohesion and Inclusive Growth An OECD White Paper for the Urban-20 (U20)." Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Submitted to the Urban-20, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 29-30 October.
Chen, Don and Norgaard, Stefan. 2016. “Challenging Inequality at the Edge of Change: Spatial Inequality, Equitable Development, and Urban-Rural Linkages.” Working Paper Series N° 181. Latin
American Center for Rural Development (RIMISP), Santiago, Chile.
Student Thesis Submissions
Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE) Master’s Thesis: “Building Civic and Municipal Capacity against Rising White Nationalism in Eugene, Oregon” (Thesis client: Western States Center; Faculty Advisors:
Professors Ryan Sheely and Julie Wilson, former NAACP President Cornell William Brooks)
Awarded PAE funding grant from Harvard’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation to travel to Portland and Eugene, OR and conduct participant observation ethnographic fieldwork, conducted 25-30 qualitative interviews (between 40 minutes and 2 hours each).
Thesis completed in April 2019, and published by Harvard University’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation:
Undergraduate Honors Thesis: "Rainbow Junction: South Africa’s Born Free Generation and the Future of Democracy" (Thesis Committee: Professor Larry Diamond (Principal Advisor), Professor Francis Fukuyama, Professor James Campbell, and Dr. Michael Kahan)
Awarded university-wide Firestone Medal for excellence in undergraduate research (awarded to the top 15-20 honors theses in social science, science, and engineering)
Awarded single best thesis in Public Policy, single best thesis in Urban Studies.
Thesis Permalink:
Huynh, Connie et al. “Testing the Waters: Factors that Influence Water Conservation and Efficiency in the Santa Clara Valley Water District.” Stanford University Public Policy Practicum. March 2015. Available online at:
Awarded best public policy practicum project, Stanford Public Policy Program, in 2014-2015
Newspaper Articles, Blog Posts, and Public Commentary
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan, Katharina Liesenberg, and Michael Lucas. 2025. “Problem-Solving at the Community Scale: A Deweyan Approach to the Democratic Practices of Minoritized Groups within the United States, South Africa, and Australia.” Ash Center Occasional Paper Series. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. 1–30. Available at:
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan. 2024. "Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt (1901–1909): Inland Waterway Regulation and the Panama Canal; A Global Expansion of U.S. Transportation Infrastructure." The Eno Center for Transportation. 22 September.
Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan. 2024. "Grover Cleveland (1885–1889, 1893–1897): Regulating Railroads and Intervening in Labor Disputes." The Eno Center for Transportation. 16 August.
​Silva, Enrique, and Kathy Nothstine, with acknowledgements. 2024. “Accelerating Sustainable Land Use Planning in African Cities.” ChallengeWorks, A Unit of UK Nesta. 17 July.
Moreno, Juan, Stefan Chavez-Norgaard, and Mia Winther-Tamaki. “Mesh Together.” Urban Omnibus. 4 May 2023.
Norgaard, Stefan. “Transformations and Continuities: Historicizing America’s National Interest in Cities.” Columbia GSAPP URBAN Magazine. December 2021.
Norgaard, Stefan. “The Future of Urban Development in Afghanistan.” The Oxford Urbanists Magazine. 13 December 2021.
Norgaard, Stefan. "A Walk Down NYC’s Re-Named Streets." The American Association of Geographers (AAG) Newsletter. 1 November 2021. (also available here).
Zeng, Jia, et al. "The Redemption of the Eastern Olympics." Caixin Media Group, Caixin Global. 30 July 2021. (Featured as interviewee in article). Read an English translation here.
Bou Akar, Hiba, et al. "Pandemic Urbanism: Praxis in the Time of COVID-19." URBAN Magazine. Issue No. X, "Emergence." May 2020. See also commentary in Columbia GSAPP's Urban Planning Reader, and visit for the full annotated reading list itself.
Lindebad-Fry, Mary. “Taking a Stand Against Hate in Eugene, OR, Part 1: Brady Roberts & Stefan Norgaard of the Harvard Kennedy School.” Government Alliance on Race & Equity (GARE). 15 August 2019.
Norgaard, Stefan and Brady Roberts. “Building Local Government Capacity to Resist White Nationalism in Eugene, Oregon.” The Harvard Kennedy School Review. 12 June 2019.
“Kennedy School Review 2018-2019 Edition.” Kennedy School Review. Michael Auslen, Stefan Norgaard, Steven Olender, Eds. Volume XIX. May 2019.
Norgaard, Stefan. “At October’s Urban20, City Leaders Must Stand Together to Help Shape the G20 Agenda.” The Oxford Urbanists Magazine. 30 August 2018.
Norgaard, Stefan. “Distant Neighbors: Innovative Approaches to Development across Geographies.” The Harvard Kennedy School Review. Cambridge, MA: Vol. 18, (2018): 153-162.
“In South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa Can Save the ANC.” The Harvard Kennedy School Review. 30 March 2018.
Norgaard, Stefan and Radhe Patel. “Administration’s Rejection of Formerly Incarcerated Student a Loss for the Harvard Community.” The Harvard Law Record. 18 September 2017.
Norgaard, Stefan. “Why the Olympics and Other Major Sporting Events Usually Increase Inequality in the Host City.” Ford Foundation Equals Change Blog. 1 August 2016.
Norgaard, Stefan. “Why We Need to Build Just and Inclusive Cities.” The Ford Foundation Equals Change Blog. 10 June 2016.
Norgaard, Stefan. “Rapid Booms are a Bust for Government Efficacy.” MAHB: Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere. 3 June 2014.
Norgaard, Stefan. “Population Growth Leads to Booms, Busts, and Spiraling Costs, not Economic Sustainability.” MAHB: Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere. 2 September 2014.
Norgaard, Stefan. “With the Orphans.” Stanford. May / June 2013, page 27.